Monday, May 17, 2010

BP Oil Spill Should Change Minds On Off-Shore Drilling...

"A Research Vessel with Scientists has discovered that the oil spill might be much worse than estimated.  Scientists say they have found giant plumes of oil in the deep waters of the Gulf, including one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick.  The plume reports added to the many questions that have been raised about the amount of leaking oil, which many scientists have said is far higher than the official estimate of 5,000 barrels, or 210,000 gallons, a day.  That estimate was reached using satellite imagery, flyovers and visual observation, company officials have said."  This is from a New York Times article out today.  It is not good news for anyone involved.  The fact that 210,000 gallons of oil are leaking out into the Ocean every day was bad enough.  At that rate, if the spill is not stopped or significantly slowed, it will surpass the size of the infamous 1989 Exxon-Valdez spill by Father's day.  But with these new findings, it would likely happen before that with oil likely leaking out faster than estimated.
All of this should not be lost on the American people.  Everyone' focus right now should be on stopping the leak, cleaning up, and helping the people and animals who will likely be affected by this for the rest of their lives.
But after that, Americans need to take a good, hard look in the mirror and check their priorities.  Are we going to keep allowing big oil lobbyists infiltrate our elected representatives?  Or will we hold their feet to the fire and force them to enact tougher drilling laws and safety standards that will help to prevent this sort of disaster?  Another problem has been enforcing the laws already on the books.  According to USA Today,
"The federal agency that inspects oil rigs, the Interior Department's Minerals Management Service, fell far short of its own policy of doing at least one inspection each month, according to an Associated Press Investigation.
Since January 2005, the agency conducted at least 16 fewer inspections aboard the Deepwater Horizon than the policy specifies, a sharp decrease from prior years, the AP reports.
The MMS, which both regulates the oil industry and collects billions in royalties from it, also allowed dozens of oil companies to drill in the Gulf of Mexico without required permits, according to a New York Times Report.
The story says one of the approvals include the Deepwater Horizon well that exploded on April 20, killing 11 workers and spewing thousands of barrels of oil into the Gulf each day.
In addition, the agency did little to fund research on how better to clean up oil spills, the Houston Chronicle Reports. It spent a tenth of a penny on such research for every dollar it collected in royalties for drilling rights since 1990."
All of this should make Americans re-assess whether or not we should be drilling for oil so close to our precious shores.  Wouldn't it be smarter to focus our time and resources on developing renewable sources of energy that are already out there like Hydrogen, Algae and other technologies?  What about electric or battery powered cars hitting the market?  If we force our elected officials to give tax breaks and funding to small businesses to help develop this technology (much like President Obama has called for), wouldn't that help to speed up the time it will take to implement this into our vehicles in a timely and cost effective manner?  All of these seem much smarter, much safer and much cheaper than lifting drilling bans off of shore for the first time that will let Big Oil drill in places that put much of us and our local economies in danger.
I for one hope the President reverses course on his recent decision to authorize some off shore drilling over the next decade.  I know he was trying to extend an Olive Branch to Republicans in doing so, but at what cost?
Mark "Marky Mark" Grimaldi
The Leslie Marshall Show
"The Only True Democracy In Talk Radio - Of, For and By The People"

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Pope and The Catholic Church...

I thought I was going to fall down and faint when I heard about the Pope's personal preacher comparing the criticism of the Catholic Church to the violence suffered by the Jews in the Holocaust. Now I realize he was quoting a letter from a Jewish friend; but none the less, it was irresponsible, inconsiderate and offensive; especially on Good Friday
The Catholic Church aided Nazi's in obtaining passports to escape Germany (as well as trial, imprisonment and perhaps execution) after the Holocaust at the end ( and even during) World War II.  The Catholic Church "hid" pedophile priests as they relocated them from parish to parish throughout the U.S. and even the world.
The plight suffered by the Jews in the Holocaust, as well as the 5 million plus additional victims of the Holocaust whether they be handicapped, old, deformed, gypsies, political prisoners, non Aryans, Jehovah's witnesses, gays, etc. to name a few, simply cannot be compared with a world pointing their finger at a religious institution that has been hiding pedophiles and refusing to listen to the cries of the hundreds of thousands of victims worldwide for decades.
Are priests so removed from real life by not being married and having children that they simply cannot comprehend the harm done to a child when they are sexually molested? Don't they realize the children have been robbed of their innocence? Their purity? Their virginity? This boggles my mind, because these priests are part of a religion that not only holds life so dear they believe a condom interferes with its creation; this is a religion, a church which prohibits pre marital sex, fornication.  So how can fornication forced upon a child by an adult, a priest none the less be ignored!?!?!!  This forced fornication by the way is rape.  These children were powerless. They looked up to these men as representatives of God- for some, the closest thing to God on earth. And doesn't the Pope state he is God's representative on earth? Would God turn his back on children who cry out for justice day and night?!? 
There are some that say the Pope must address these issues. There are some that say the Pope must answer to why he ignored more than one letter, when he was John Ratzenberg, regarding a priest who allegedly molested more than 200 deaf boys in Wisconsin.  The Pope must address why priests who are accused of such crimes are simply forgiven and moved and are not given up to law enforcement authorities.  And where is the outrage among Catholics!?!! There are some who say this Pope must step down. Some who believe this Pope's Anti-Semitism is clear; from his being taught as a member of the Hitler youth, to the honoring of a man who denies the Holocaust and now this, this comparison with the Holocaust.
What violent act(s) have been brought upon the church or this pope!?! What violent act/acts have been brought upon the Priests who are pedophiles for that matter!?!!  The only violence is upon the victims, the children, who in being sexually abused, were physically, mentally and emotionally abused. These priests robbed them of their souls, their hopes, and often, their faith in God. They brought in confusion about their sexuality; their ability to be intimate, to form strong emotional bonds, to have children of their own.  In my mind, what these priests have done is worse than murder.  And that is what the Holocaust was. A systematic murder, a mass ethnic cleansing of Europe by Adolf Hitler and his willing participants, his willing "Catholic" Nazi's. 
The church has apologized for not doing enough during the Holocaust- but it never apologized for remaining silent and turning its head. It never apologized for helping aid in Anti-Semitism by teaching for centuries that the Jews murdered Jesus. (Who by the way wouldn't be anyone's savior had he not been crucified)  The church hasn't apologized to the victims or their families for the betrayal or for the abuse, and now today, rather than apologize for their remarks, for their offensive comparison of the Catholic Church's' being criticized to the violence against the Jews in the Holocaust, during the week of Passover!
I say the Pope needs to speak to these issues or step down. I say the Catholics throughout the world need to cry out to their religious leaders to right this wrong.  I say they must do this, or you all must stop putting money in their baskets. And speaking of money- the next time you're at the Vatican, ask them to melt some of that gold to pay the victim's for all the church has put them through, or at least by the people of Mexico and Calcutta condoms.
Leslie Marshall
The Leslie Marshall Show
"The Only True Democracy In Talk Radio - Of, For and By The People."

Monday, February 22, 2010

Enough is Enough...

As I sit with my family and friends watching the U.S.-Canada hockey game, it makes me feel good to see how the Olympics bring us together.  It also gets me thinking.  If tragedy like the Earthquake in Haiti, and Athletic Competition like the Olympics can bring us together as nation, why can't we come together on issues that affect all of us?

Many in and out of Congress have said this is the most divided they have seen the Congress and the Country.  We made it through Slavery.  A Civil War.  Pearl Harbor.  Two World Wars.  September 11th.  And you're telling me we can't come together today? 

I'm not saying we have to agree on EVERYTHING.  But aren't we grown up enough as a Nation to find a middle ground on monumental issues such as Reforming Health Care, protecting our planet, and Reforming Financial system loopholes that got us into this mess?  Finding bipartisan solutions to these issues could really help your average American family.

When Indiana Senator Evan Bayh left Congress because two Senators who co-authored a bill with him voted against it themselves, that should have struck a chord with the American people.  Instead of one group of Americans talking about seceding from the nation and not paying their taxes; and another saying to ignore the other party completely, we should focus our efforts on telling our Congressmen and women that we want them to work with the other side with the main goal of getting legislation passed that will help everyday Americans.  Regardless of how you feel about President Obama, one good example of this is when he gave 95% of Americans a tax break this year.  That is something that helps American families.  We need the Congress to start moving forward on common sense legislation to fix obvious, glaring problems that Americans are facing every day.   They need to start worrying less about the next Election and fundraising events.  If they work to pass good legislation for their constituents and prove they can reach across the aisle, that will do more to help get them re-elected than any fundraiser.

Helping more Americans get healthcare while stopping costs from skyrocketing, reforming the financial system so the irresponsible behavior on Wall Street that got us into this mess is no longer rewarded, and working to protect our planet, would all be a good start for Congress to meet half way on.  We've had enough of the logjam and the stalling tactics; it's time to get stuff done.


Mark 'Marky Mark' Grimaldi

Executive Producer

The Leslie Marshall Show

'The Only True Democracy in Talk Radio – Of, For and By The People'

Friday, January 29, 2010

My 15 Minutes of Fame....

When I was about 5 or 6 years old, my grandmother brought me to New York City and we walked up and down Fifth Avenue. I remember looking in the shop windows and hoping the mannequin would wink at me as they had at Marlo Thomas on my favorite TV show at the time, "That Girl." They didn't. I think it was Marlo Thomas that got me interested in show business.

Perhaps it was being the only child for nearly 8 years and the only grandchild or niece for 5 that put in me the desire to be the center of attention. Who knows. I guess I've been searching for my 15 seconds of fame for a long time. I sought it out in plays I did in High School and College. I sought it out by dating the President of one of the fraternity's at college, the big man on campus. And then I sought it out by being on radio and eventually television.

On radio, I have worked nearly everywhere it seems: Boston, Miami, Washington DC, Providence, Buffalo, Houston, New York, Milwaukee, West Palm Beach, Cleveland, Chicago, San Francisco, Sacramento and L.A. About 7 years ago, I started doing television to further that hunt for the 15 seconds: MSNBC, Fox News Channel where I did shows like "Hannity & Colmes, " back in the day and "Kudlow & Co" on CNBC. I was even a regular member of the varsity panel on "The Dennis Miller Show" on CNBC. As I improved my skills on television, I was asked to be on Anderson Cooper on CNN, "Showbiz Tonite" on HLN and then came Prime News & Issues with Jane Velez on that network too. Fox started a business channel and I did "Happy Hour," "America's Nightly Scoreboard," "Bulls & Bears" and on Fox News Channel, "Your World With Neil Cavuto" and then finally, after a long hiatus, "The O'Reilly Factor."

Now I've been on the radio over 22 years and I am syndicated for the second time around. My articles have been published in reputable places like "US News & World Report" and I'm seen on national television nearly everyday, definitely every other. Believe it or not, perhaps because I live in Los Angeles; home to the Hollywood types and dozens upon dozens of stars, I had given up on that 15 seconds.

Now I know some of you reading this might think "Leslie, please, you're on national radio and television- you get more than 15 seconds- you get hours! But it's not the same thing. I'm content, happy, truly and stopped seeking it-the feeling of that 15 seconds of fame. Then the other day, when I had completely forgotten @ Ms Marlo Thomas, I was going into the hair salon and an older gentleman stopped me. He asked me if I knew him and I had to admit, I had never seen him before ( I never forget a face).

He said I looked familiar, asked where he might know me from...for a moment I thought....does he "know" me from t.v.?....quickly my crazy idea turned around when he asked if I worked at the hair salon. I said no, just a client. As I turned to walk into the salon, the old man grabbed my arm and said :"Wait, I know who you're Leslie Marshall! I've seen you on the O'Reilly Factor!" I nearly fainted. Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills amidst the big celebs and someone not only recognized me, but they knew my name.

Now I'd like to lie to you and say "it didn't feel as great as I thought it would to have my 15 seconds..." but it did, it felt awesome and he was awesome. He said he didn't agree with a thing I said, but respected me for saying it. He asked for a hug rather than an autograph and I obliged. So.....I got it...the 15 felt great.....and you know, I could've sworn that the mannequin in the window in the shop next door actually winked at me!